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The Profit Center

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We have all done it. You see a catchy graphic and click it. Then you land on a website that has absolutely nothing to do with what you clicked. This is click bait.

Dr. W. Edwards Deming is well known for his 14 points for Management presented in his book, Out of the Crisis. His principles have been applied in businesses of all sizes and market sectors...

Why Didn't My Press Release Get Published?

Your boss wants to know why. Your company had big news to share, and your boss counted on you to spread the word and get some media attention....

"Why didn't my press release get published?" 

That is a question that marketing professionals ask when their brilliantly crafted press release ends up getting ignored.

The answer is ...

The reality is that over time you may have many different individuals or agencies involved in your marketing. This is particularly true with your website and social media. With all these han...

It is amazing the amount of unsolicited email we all receive.

You don't have time to read all of them and neither do I.

If you don't have me at the subject line I delete the email and the w...

OMG! I am so sick of interruptive marketing. Guess what? You are now in spam and will never get out. Everyone can view your email without opening it so why all the bravo sierra subject lines...

Marketers everywhere are going to hate me for this article. Why? It seems the universe is convinced that getting more Facebook page likes is directly related to business success.

Marketing Verticals 

They Just Don't Fit Your Business.....

Do you get annoyed when people ask you what is your marketing vertical?

You are not the only person that is looking for an answer to this question.

Recent posts
Paid Ads vs. SEO: Making Informed Marketing Invest...
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Overcoming SEO Pain Points: How to Improve Your We...
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Why it's important to know the search terms used t...
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About Analytics That Profit

Does This Sound Familiar?

Your business invests money in online marketing but you aren't sure if that marketing is generating revenue. Everyone tells you that clicks mean success, but what your business really needs is more customers.

At the end of the day, you just want your online marketing to do what it is supposed to do and Grow Your Business!

Sometimes You Need A Herd Of Nerds To Take Your Digital Marketing To The Next Level.