Jun 1, 2017
It is common for people to ask me questions about their website when they find out what I do. Often I am asked, Why is nobody visiting my website? Usually this really means how do I get more...
Oct 31, 2016
Who, What, When, Where and Why.
Oct 19, 2016
So you want to be on page one in Google Searches. Just Google it. You will see 132 million results. Seriously? How on earth are you supposed to know what to do? Google has not used keyword ...
Oct 18, 2016
" I wonder how much revenue we actually generate from our website, emails, blogs and social media posts?".
The individual that made this comment to me works for a business that is committe...
Oct 12, 2016
When people find out what I do I am often asked "Do I really need a website?". My answer is an unequivocal Yes! For example, if you are a plumber in Cincinnati and don't have a website you w...
About Analytics That Profit
Does This Sound Familiar?
Your business invests money in online marketing but you aren't sure if that marketing is generating revenue. Everyone tells you that clicks mean success, but what your business really needs is more customers.
At the end of the day, you just want your online marketing to do what it is supposed to do and Grow Your Business!
Sometimes You Need A Herd Of Nerds To Take Your Digital Marketing To The Next Level.