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SEO Reporting For Small Business

  • September 3, 2021

Many businesses today are paying for SEO services without seeing tangible benefits. Since SEO is a longer-term investment on acquiring customers, many SEO providers use that as an excuse to explain lack of results. This is why SEO reporting is crucial. SEO reporting helps businesses get accurate insights on how their website is performing and what steps they can take to get more traffic.



What is SEO reporting?


SEO reporting is the practice of showcasing the results of your SEO efforts. This is generally done with a report that shows how your website is performing by analyzing key metrics like organic traffic, keyword rankings, conversion metrics and more. SEO reporting is done periodically to assess how effective different efforts are. It’s recommended you do SEO reporting every 30, 60 or 90 days.


It’s very important to set objectives and key results (OKRs) when doing SEO reporting. You can also set SMART goals that are specific and have a timeline. Setting OKRs and SMART goals will help give you guidance on what results you are aiming for, and it will show if your current efforts are aligned with your specific goals.


Why is SEO reporting important?

 seo reporting for small business-analytics that profit

Tracking results: Nearly 74% of all marketers say that they don’t adequately track their SEO reports. The inability to track results of SEO efforts will lead to diminished ROI and wasted time. Performing occasional SEO reporting will give you an in-depth look at your content marketing and exhibit the ROI of your efforts.


Analysis of competition: SEO reporting is a good indicator of how your competition is performing. If you’re losing keyword rankings to competitors, you can pivot and deploy a strategy to gain back your rankings and customers. Without SEO reporting, you can go months or quarters without being aware that your competition has captured a significant portion of your organic traffic.

 seo reporting_competitor analysis_analytics that profit

Technical SEO: SEO reporting also shows all the technical SEO issues that your website is facing. Technical SEO plays a significant portion in website rankings on search engines. Elements like site speed, on-page SEO and meta descriptions can make a dramatic impact on the number of organic visitors you get to your site.

Should You Pay For SEO_analytics that profit 

How should you utilize SEO reports?


Analyze performance: Your SEO reports should be one of your main tools you use to analyze the performance of your website. The SEO report will give you real-time data on all of the performance indicators you’re targeting. This will give you a good idea of how you are performing and


Inform strategy: SEO reports are one of the best ways to get data to inform your marketing and content strategy. Your SEO report will provide you with exact data on how many backlinks, traffic and conversions you’re getting. This can be used to set new objectives and revise the existing strategy of the business.


To learn more about SEO reporting, get a free consultation here.

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You should also read:

How to know if your SEO is a scam

How to Optimize Your Blog Posts for SEO

Should You Pay for SEO?

Using OKRs to Improve Your Small Business Digital Marketing


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