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How To Increase Website Visits

how to increase website visits analytics that profit.jpg
  • December 15, 2016



How to increase website visits? This is a very popular search.

How to increase website visits analytics that profit.jpeg

Here are several quick fixes to increase website visits.

  • Post on social media that link back to your website.
  • Write compelling  headlines for your webpages and web content.
  • Use keywords in content and context that is worth reading. Don't just stuff words in a paragraph.
  • Write great blogs.
  • Have great guest bloggers.

Do you really just want to increase website visits?

If you have a nonspecific target or everyone is your customer this may be exactly what you want to do. Most companies we work with do not have a product or service that makes everyone their ideal customer. In fact, most companies really want better more qualified visits. They don't want just volume. They want more leads that convert to more sales. This takes more than a quick fix, this requires a strategy.

There are just a few basic steps required to implement an effective lead generation strategy.

Lead generation strategy analytics that profit.pngClick any of the links to see how we do it.

A content offer is a piece of content that is perceived high in value. Offers include ebooks, whitepapers, free consultations, coupons and product demonstrations.New Call-to-action

A call-to-action (CTA) is either text, an image or a button that links directly to a landing page so people can find and download your offer.

A landing page, unlike normal website pages, is a specialized page that contains information about one particular offer, and a form to download that offer.

You can’t capture leads without forms. Forms will collect contact information from a visitor in exchange for an offer.

If you have a great offer, visitors will be willing to give you their email to receive it. HubSpot has a great free resource for lead generation.New Call-to-action





Once you have the mechanics in place, the effectiveness of this strategy is easily measurable at every step. If you see a bottleneck at any step you can modify just that one step, measure for effectiveness and move forward. This allows you to fail fast, make corrections quickly and amplify success.

 Need Help? Schedule a Time To Talk.


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