Google My Business Is Now Google Business Profile. What Does This Mean for Your Business?
One thing about Google is that the tech giant isn't afraid to shake things up. The company's recent change that's confusing some small businesses is rebranding Google My Business to Google Business Profile.
At first glance, the branding change may not seem like a big deal. After all, it's just a name change. But for businesses that rely on Google My Business to manage their online presence, the switch could be confusing and even cause some disruptions. So here's what you need to know about the change and how it might affect your business.
What's Changed?
The most significant change is, naturally, the name. Google My Business is now and hereafter known as Google Business Profile. In addition to the new name, there are also some new features and changes to existing functionality.

Google Rolls Out New Features For Google Business Profile - The Google Business Profile app for Android and iPhone is no longer useful. Businesses will need to notice the name change and manage your profile on maps or search.
Update Your Customers - Google My Business was a well-known and trusted brand, so the change to Google Business Profile could confuse some customers. It's essential to ensure that your customers know the difference and how to find your business on the new platform. In addition, you can update your website and social media profiles with new names and links.
Stay Up To Date - The most important thing for companies is ensuring their profiles are complete and up-to-date. Adding tagline links to your website, social media profiles, and online menus can help customers learn more about your business and offer. And with the new app, you can manage your profile on the go, which is excellent for companies always on the move.
Google Business Profile has excellent stats to give insights into who visits and how they use your listing. It's worth visiting to glean ideas about which updates resonate with customers. That way, you'll have guidance to help you develop and distribute engaging content regularly.
If you haven't updated your Google My Business listing, now is the time! The switch to Google Business Profile has been coming long, and your business must take advantage of all the new features.
Not only does this help customers find your company when searching for it online, but it also gives you access to tremendous analytical data that can help improve your marketing strategy. Need help? If so, reach out to the pros at Analytics that Profit to begin the conversation.