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What’s the Difference Between a Tagline and a Brand Promise?


what's the difference between a tagline and a brand promise, betsy kent, blog school, be visible

The best way to differentiate your business from the pack is to be crystal clear about your marketing message. But what does that mean? Do you need a tagline? Do you need a brand promise? And what is the difference between a tagline and a brand promise?

Let’s get this cleared up…

The Difference Between a Tagline
and a Brand Promise

A tagline is a short and catchy phrase or group of words that summarize the overall benefits of your services or products. Emotion is a big part of a tagline. It tells your audience how they will feel if they do business with your company.

Here are three taglines that you are probably familiar with:
The Ultimate Driving Experience – BMW
Think Different – Apple
The Quicker Picker Upper – Bounty

Notice how each tagline expresses a positive emotion. BMW’s tagline conveys superb quality. Apple’s tagline conveys rugged individualism. And Bounty says their towels will save you time. Short and catchy, right?

On the other hand, a brand promise is different…

A brand promise goes deeper than a tagline. It’s the statement of your company’s unique value and the wonderful benefits of doing business with you. It tells your ideal client or customer why your business is the perfect choice and that you pledge to deliver what you promise.

Here are some examples:
15 minutes or less can save you 15% or more on car insurance. – Geico
To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. – Nike
When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight. – FedEx

Does your small business need a tagline and a brand promise?

Nope. Your business can do just fine without a tagline. But it must have a brand promise. Without a brand promise your ideal client has to invest time and energy to figure out if you have what she needs. And if you actually get her. And that’s an invitation for her to go somewhere else.

While a fun and catchy tagline is cool, the money is in your brand promise. Invest some time to create a powerful and compelling brand promise for your brand. It’s the smart way to go.

You also may be interested in: 3 Steps To Create A Brand Promise For Your Small Business

For more ideas check out How To Build A Marketing Program.